"Making a difference on Virginia's Northern Neck, one cat at a time" |
Spay/Neuter Post-Surgery Care
Following surgery, cats need ample time to fully recover from the effects of general anesthesia, which may leave them woozy, disoriented, and sleepy.
All skin sutures are absorbable and do not need to be removed. Vets also use pain medicine. With pain management medication, pain may not be experienced at all.
It is a
good idea to provide a diaper pad and/or a small towel for the vet technician to place inside the trap for cat to be comfortable after surgery.
Hold the cat safely overnight in the trap until it recovers.
It takes about 24 hours for the cat to fully recover from anesthesia and regain the ability to regulate their body temperature.
Return the cat to where it was trapped. Never release the cat into a new area. Abandonment is against the law.
If the cat does not show signs of recovering, call your veterinary clinic as soon as possible